Blissdom Bound

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Blissdom Conference ~ Nashville ~ February 4-6 2010
Bright and early tomorrow morning, I’ll be getting on a plane heading to Nashville for the Blissdom conference. I’m excited to spend a weekend with many wonderful friends – some I’ve already met in person, some I’ve chatted with on the phone and via email for what feels like forever, and some I’ve just developed a friendship with through our blogs.

It’s always hard to leave home though. Usually I like to have the freezer and fridge stocked with plenty of food for my husband and kids. But this time, my husband told me to not worry about it. He’s got plans, many of which revolve around some awesome cupons for free food from ConAgra, courtesy of the pre-Bliss package all the attendees got a few weeks ago.

He’s promised to take pictures and document their weekend. For my part, I’ve promised to relax and realize that my family will not suffer for 4 days without my home-cooked food.

It should be interesting. I’ll let you know how it goes after I get home.